Strojintex – engineering-supplier company, public limited company, in the town of Liberec, belongs to the oldest general suppliers in the Czech Republic which carry out building-up of industrial investment complexes. On the basis of 50 years’ tradition of Strojintex and, consequently, on the basis of the experience acquired in this connection the company of Strojintex can ensure building-up of industrial buildings both in the home country and abroad, and in this connexion Strojintex can give consultations, can carry out projects and deliveries, can guarantee this building-up of industrial buldings and make all the necessary trainings.
The investment building-up has been ensured by us completely and without interruption for investors both of the home country and foreign countries since the year of 1960. In the years from 1976 to 1990 we were incorporated within the framework of ELITEX Concern, namely as ELITEX KIO, and further again under the primary name of STROJINTEX IDP, state enterprise, since 1st May 1992 as STROJINTEX IDP, limited company, Liberec.
Professional character of our activities covers a wide range of industrial branches, especially textile, glass, printing, plastic industries and industry of man-made fibres.
We provide services in the sphere of project works, of completing activities, of activities concerning deliveries and realizations and in after-realization service.